
Sunday, January 9, 2011

Day 5 - We Got Snow!!!

Spectacular day today...We got snow! Living in Dallas, that is an usual rarity. Last year we had our first white Christmas in over 40 years. Well, today was another beautiful masterpiece.

As I ventured out for a quick grocery store run, I slowed down and took it all in. "Wow," I said out loud, "I feel like I am in a movie." It was like these huge beautiful snow flakes were coming down silently creating a spectacular white glistening blanket of total wonderland. It was breathtaking! I thanked the Lord for the beauty of it all and thought to myself, I want to take every bit of this in and enjoy it to the fullest. And I did. =)

We had planted a live Christmas tree in our backyard a few months back, in honor of my first grandbaby being born, Forest Kael Gatlyn. I ran to get my camera to get a picture of it all covered with its first flocking of real snow. It was gorgeous!

I found myself feeling very grateful and aware of how that gratefulness filled me with hope in every area of my life, including the success in this 52 week journey and goal of getting my body back....

Until tomorrow ~ sweet and slender dreams! =)


  1. I love the snow too and your picture is beautiful!
    I'm so with you on the journey to reclaiming the body I know is hiding in there somewhere! :)

  2. We were in church today when it began snowing in Kaufman. The look on my 7 year old great-nephews face was priceless.

  3. Wow! You did get a lot more than downtown Dallas! Beautiful!

  4. Thanks Sandy! You know, I am so grateful for finally having the inspiration to take my body back, too! Love that you are on board with us!

    Tonya - it is so rare and I was thinking of how we were as kids and would have loved to have gone out and played in it!

    Jacqueline - Sorry you guys didn't get any snow. It really has been beautiful!
